Introducing the New Sapphire Blue for Spa

Introducing the New Sapphire Blue for Spa

Inspired by Nature. Brought to you by Comphy.

Though our new sapphire blue is on trend with the latest color palettes, we love it’s truly classic and timeless beauty. A naturally soothing color with a wide variety of tones, this blue was inspired by nature for the calming element it brings to a spa treatment room.


The pure imagery of bold blue skies and crystal blue water align with the sense of tranquility and peace that spa clients are looking for when they come through the door. Blues in nature often imply a clean, fresh, and bright feeling that translate well to spa design.

And as a gemstone, the sapphire requires just the right conditions in the earth to create such perfectly imperfect beauty. This type of natural elegance inspires spa-goers to actualize their own natural beauty with a visit to the spa.

While these natural elements were inspirational to our design team in choosing sapphire, the color is also appealing because of it’s soothing and relaxing properties used in color therapy. As explained in Organic Spa Magazine, cooler tones promote relaxation and wellness.


This shade will brilliantly brighten any treatment room, and is available in a variety of our shantung products for spa, including:


We love the power of color and what it can do to change a room, or even an experience. Take a look at our Pinterest boards of spa color palettes and design ideas for more inspiration!

Contact us today to ask about our new Sapphire Shantung products, or shop online today!