New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of year…again.  With the excitement of a New Year comes the feeling of starting fresh and setting New Year’s Resolutions is part of the fun.  But we often set ourselves up for failure by simply stating something we’d love to accomplish without laying some groundwork on how to do it.  Though we suggest creating a plan, today we simply want to explain what we know to be true…the best kept secret to achieving any goals, including your resolution, is consistent quality sleep. 

A variety of sources can explain the benefits of a good night’s sleep, but we love looking to the National Sleep Council for support on the how sleep impacts every area of life.  This is especially relevant when we’re setting goals.   

Some of the most common New Year’s Resolutions are impacted by sleep: 

Eat Healthier.  When we’re tired, we tend to make poor choices.  With less sleep, we tend to crave high-fat and high-carb foods.  The National Sleep Council also explains that our body signals that tell us we’re full don’t work as well when we don’t get enough sleep. 

Get More Exercise. Who wants to work out when they’re feeling sluggish?  To really get moving, be sure to pause your body for a full 7-9 hours each night. 

Lose Weight.  Read more to find out how better sleep can help you reduce snacking, burn more calories, and stick to a diet plan. 

Prioritize Self-Care.  We’re big advocates of self-care, so whether you’re going to the spa for a treatment or making sure you’re getting enough zzz’s, we fully believe that enough quality sleep leads to better self-care in general. 

What New Year’s Resolution are you setting this year?  Whatever it is, be sure to get a good night’s sleep to help you stick to it!